Guide for Authors

Aims & Scope

The Journal of Nursing Advances in Clinical Sciences is a quarterly, open-access, peer-reviewed publication dedicated to comprehensive coverage of nursing practice. Its primary goal is to disseminate top-tier evidence-based practices in nursing through the publication of high-standard original research papers, various review types (narrative, systematic, meta-analyses, scoping), case reports, and correspondences. Journal of Nursing Advances in Clinical Sciences invites articles across diverse nursing domains such as critical care, emergency, pediatrics, geriatrics, management, palliative care, end-of-life care, midwifery nursing research, ethics, nursing education, and complementary/alternative therapies. The Editorial Board, consisting of esteemed nursing research experts, ensures the precision and excellence of the peer-review process for submitted manuscripts.

We eagerly anticipate submissions worldwide, particularly outstanding papers showcasing advancements in all facets of nursing practice. The journal holds a broad interest in current clinical research within nursing practice and related sciences. For additional information or assistance, please visit our Contact Us section.


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Registration and login are required to submit manuscripts online and check the current submissions' status.

General Information

Various types of manuscripts, including original/research papers, narrative reviews, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, scoping reviews, case reports, and correspondences, are eligible for publication. It's essential that submissions intended for publication in the Journal of Nursing Advances in Clinical Sciences are original works by the authors and have not been previously published or are under consideration elsewhere. Notably, conference abstracts not published in a supplementary issue do not qualify as prior publications. The journal operates on a quarterly publication schedule.

The guidelines for authors furnish comprehensive instructions on formatting articles for submission, publication standards, and the online submission process. It's highly recommended to review these guidelines before submitting any contributions to Journal of Nursing Advances in Clinical Sciences. Pertinent details can also be found in the "Aims & Scope" section of the journal.

Submission process

Submission of all manuscripts is exclusively via the "Online Submission" link provided on the journal's homepage. Our online system serves as the platform to manage the entire publication process. Authors can use this system to track the progress of their manuscript, access the most recent version, respond to reviews, and submit revisions as required.

Manuscript preparation

Generally, manuscript submissions should adhere to the following formats:

- Use Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) format.

- Maintain double-line spacing throughout the document.

- Utilize Times New Roman font with a size of 12.

- Implement continuous page numbering placed at the bottom of the pages.

- To facilitate a blind and anonymous review, include the Title page separately.

- Upload the cover letter, original Figure file, and any other supporting files as supplementary attachments.

Cover letter

Each manuscript submission must include a cover letter outlining the rationale behind conducting the study and the choice of Journal of Nursing Advances in Clinical Sciences for publication. Additionally, the cover letter should confirm that the manuscript is not presently published or under consideration by any other journals until the review process is concluded. Authors should indicate if they have published or submitted similar works based on the same research. It is also crucial to explicitly disclose any potential conflicts of interest as the final step in the submission process.

Title Page

The title page of the manuscript should encompass specific details:

- Type of article

- Title of the work

- Running title or short title (limited to 100 characters, spaces included)

- Full names of the author(s)

- Affiliation(s)

- Comprehensive information about the corresponding author(s), comprising name(s), degree, phone number, fax number, email address, and current working address.

- It's highly recommended to provide the ORCID ID(s) of the corresponding author(s).

This information should be placed on a separate page dedicated solely to the title page.

Abstract & Keywords

An unstructured abstract written in English is required for submission with the manuscript. For original/research and review papers, the abstract should be limited to 300 words, while case reports should not exceed 150 words.

Following the abstract, provide four to ten keywords that succinctly describe the paper's subject, purpose, methodology, and focus. These keywords should be separated by commas (,) and drawn from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) thesaurus available at or Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL) headings whenever applicable. If possible, incorporate keywords sparingly into the paper's title.

Main text

Certainly, here are the specific requirements for each type of article submission to Journal of Nursing Advances in Clinical Sciences:

  1. Original/Research Papers:

   - Sections required: Introduction, Materials (Patients) and Methods, Outcomes, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.

   - Total word count (excluding references, abstract, figures, and tables): Not to exceed 4,000 words.

  1. Narrative Reviews:

   - No strict format is mandated, but the text should have organized sections with appropriate headings and conclude with a comprehensive summary.

   - Usage of relevant tables and figures is encouraged.

  1. Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis:

   - Required sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and References.

  1. Case Reports:

   - Sections required: Introduction, Case Presentation, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment (if appropriate), and References.

   - Specifications: Maximum of three tables or figures, thirty-five references, and the word count should not exceed 2,000 words. Patient's informed consent is mandatory.

  1. Correspondences:

   - For comments on previously published articles or brief original research:

   - Should not exceed 1,000 words in length.

   - Restrictions: No more than 25 references, and a maximum of two tables or figures. No requirement for abstracts.

  1. Erratum:

   - Accepts Erratum or Publisher Correction submissions for rectifying mistakes made during the publication process.

   - Submit as a new file in Microsoft Word format using the online system.

   - The Erratum will be linked to the original article following peer review.

Adherence to these specific guidelines ensures compliance with Journal of Nursing Advances in Clinical Sciences’ submission standards for each respective article type.


Citation in text

Certainly, here are the guidelines for references in the manuscript:

  1. Ensure that the reference list includes every source cited in the main text, and vice versa.
  2. Exclude personal conversations and unpublished results from the reference list, but they may be quoted in the text.
  3. Reference numbers should be written consecutively and enclosed in square brackets, such as [1], [1-3], etc., corresponding to the order of citation in the text.
  4. At the end of the document, create a separate section titled "References" and list all the cited references exactly as they appear in the text.

These guidelines ensure the accuracy and consistency between citations in the main text and the reference list, maintaining the integrity of the scholarly referencing system.

Reference style

As demonstrated below, the standard Vancouver reference style must be used:

Journal articles

  1. Leineweber C, Chungkham HS, Lindqvist R, Westerlund H, Runesdotter S, Alenius LS, et al. Nurses’ practice environment and satisfaction with schedule flexibility is related to intention to leave due to dissatisfaction: A multi-country, multilevel study. Int J Nurs Stud. 2016;58:47-58.
  2. Østervang C, Geisler Johansen L, Friis‐Brixen A, Myhre Jensen C. Experiences of nursing care for patients who self‐harm and suggestions for future practices: The perspectives of emergency care nurses. Int J Ment Health Nurs. 2022;31(1):70-82.

Book chapters

Author(s) of the chapter. Title of chapter. In: Editor(s) of book, editors. Title of book. Edition (if not first). Place of publication: Publisher name; Year of publication. p. [page numbers of chapter].

Online documents

Author/organization's name (if available). Title of the page [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher's name; Publication date or year [updated date - year month day; cited date - year month day]. Available from: URL

Tables and Figures

Certainly, here are the specifications for referencing tables and figures in the manuscript:

  1. Reference tables and figures using Arabic numerals in the sequential order of their appearance in the text (e.g., Table 1, Figure 1).
  2. Each table and figure should be placed on separate pages at the end of the manuscript document.
  3. Preference is given to simple tables that don't duplicate information from the main text.
  4. Tables should not be submitted as snapshots; they should be neatly formatted within the manuscript.
  5. Figures should be included only if they offer additional relevant information.
  6. All figure legends should be included within the primary text file.
  7. For figures, acceptable formats include JPEG or TIFF files with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi to ensure clarity and quality.

Supplementary files

Supplementary files, while accessible online in any format, are recommended to adhere to standard formats whenever possible. These supplementary files should be cited in the text as Supplementary files 1, 2, and so forth, in alignment with their appearance sequence within the manuscript. This standardized citation format ensures clarity and consistency in referencing supplementary materials.

Authors' contributions

The corresponding author is required to verify that each listed author has reviewed and endorsed the final draft of the submitted manuscript. The authors mentioned should have made significant contributions to the article as acknowledged by the corresponding author, who is responsible for ensuring this. The "Authors' contributions" section should outline each author's specific contributions to the work.

It is important to note that once a work has been accepted, authors cannot initiate changes to the authorship. Any alterations in authorship following the initial submission necessitate a letter to the editorial office, including a brief explanation of the changes and the signatures of the authors involved. The editorial staff may contact authors directly to confirm their responses.

For instance: Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work: FG, LD, AD; Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content: FG, LD, AD; Final approval of the version to be published: FG, LD, AD; Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved: FG, LD, AD.


The "Acknowledgements" section should include a roster of individuals who contributed but did not meet the criteria for authorship. In cases where there is no funding, please state "Not applicable".


In a distinct section labeled "Funding", it is necessary to disclose all sources of funding for the study and describe the role played by the sponsor(s). If there is no funding, please indicate "Self-funded".

Competing interests

Authors are required to explicitly disclose any financial, personal, or other conflicts of interest that could potentially affect or influence their research. If there are no conflicts of interest to declare regarding the research, authorship, or publication of the article, please state: "We do not have potential conflicts of interest concerning this article's research, authorship, and publication."

Human and animal rights

For clinical research manuscripts involving human subjects or materials, adherence to the Declaration of Helsinki is mandatory. Written consent from subjects or their legal guardians, after adequate information, is a prerequisite. Any exceptions for waiving informed consent must be clearly stated. Additionally, research must confirm approval from the local Ethical Committee.

Manuscripts reporting experimental investigations with animals must declare approval from the local Ethical Committee. This statement should ensure the humane treatment of animals as per the ethics board's standards.

Articles reporting healthcare intervention outcomes on human subjects (clinical trial studies) must include a registration number from a public trials registry, offering free public web access.


The ethical editor at Journal of Nursing Advances in Clinical Sciences bears responsibility for ensuring ethical compliance at all publication stages.

Article-processing and publication charge

All content within Journal of Nursing Advances in Clinical Sciences is readily accessible without any delay or charge. There are no fees for submissions or color image usage. For any specific queries, please contact the Journal via email.